Bias Tape Alternative

Bias Tape Alternative

When it comes to seam finishes for armhole and neckline edges bias tape is not my go-to. The pre-folded tape from the fabric stores never matches the color I want or comes close to matching my fabric. Trying to make my own tape has only resulted in burnt fingertips and uneven widths of tape. Sure, there are tools out there for it, but I am not a gadget person. (I have thought about getting a folder attachment for my industrial machine, but there is a learning curve and I need instant gratification.)
Lets talk actual application. Sewing one side on is easy enough, but then I go to fold over the top and somehow it results in a twisted effect so I rip out the seam and end up basting in place before I sew. This makes bias tape a big pain for me and extra work.
If you share my sentiments, or even if you are a fan of bias tape, I would like to share my simplified taping for a faster and neater finish.

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Oh my goodness – this has changed my life – No longer will I dread the bias tape! Thank you! 💖


@ Sandra- If you are short on fabric I would try to cut along the stretchiest grain to make the binding. But even when a fabric is stretchy the bias cut still helps out. It’s subtle, but worth the effort if you have the available yardage.


I purchased a light weght fabric with a lot of spandex in it to make a flowy blouse.
It requires a neckline that is bound with bias tape. I can’t really find a tape that matches in fiber content or color. My fabric is woven yet quite stretchy. Do I need to cut it on the bias to make a binding? I don’t have a lot of extra fabic to work with. Thanks for your help.

Sandra Henslee

I am now a sewing bias tape success! Thank you for this version. I no longer cringe at the thought of bias binding, and my projects look so amazing…. if I do say so myself:-D


I cannot wait to try this! I am thrilled to see my own frustrations with bias tape echoed in your blog! Thank you for this version. I will be sure to up date my comment with my experience soon.


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